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Doug Davis

Certified Health Coach, Certified Life Coach

Doug Davis, CHC, CLC Acton, ME
Certified life coach seal
Certified health coach seal

Doug is a student of life, nature lover, father, health coach, life coach and avid distance runner.

Having overcome his own personal hurdles in life, his focus on lasting habit change is designed to have you feeling and looking your best, as you see bigger and better results in all  areas of your life. 


“Interview With a Health Coach - Doug”


  • How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get started?

Health coaching about a year.  Taking care of my body by eating ‘clean’ and basically only putting good things in, about three years.  Actively seeking to improve my health, stay in shape and stay away from conventional medicine (IE Pharmacology) about 9 years, and running about 15 years.

To get sober and to get to what I think of my optimal fitness and happiness took more than one try and gave me opportunities to learn some lessons about myself, life and happiness along the way while I dealt with my own addictive behaviors.  After being convinced that I was finally and firmly on the right path with my own wellbeing, I decided in 2021 to become certified as a health coach so that I could help other people stay sober, feel better about themselves and make lasting changes in their lives.


  • What kinds of clients do you work with?

I work with anyone who wants to be healthier, or creative positive habits in their life, or lose bad habits or addictive behavior.  Clients who have struggled with alcohol, food or other addictions find it easy to relate to me due to struggles that I have overcome.


  • How are you different from other health or life coaches?

I have been there – I have examples in my own life of wanting MORE – Whether is more to drink, or more to eat, or even more running, and I have found the way to find balance, be content and take care of myself to optimize my health.  I will show you what worked for me and help you find what works for you – because each person is an individual and a one-size-fits-all coaching program will NOT fill all and will not necessarily help you create the changes that you need.


  • What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me?

I work best with people who are generally self motivated, but may need a little guidance to keep the motivation going or to know what to do next.


  • Who does this program NOT work for?

This program is not suited for people who aren’t committed to making lasting change in their health.That includes being financially committed, as well as committing the time, during sessions and throughout the weeks during the program.This wont work for those who aren’t ready to commit and it is NOT for those who just want a list of “eat this, not that” (because if that worked for my type of client, it would have worked already).

I only have openings for 2 new clients per month in my schedule, so must be selective about who I work with.  If you aren’t fully committed to making lasting change, I respectfully ask that you not schedule an initial conversation with me and I hope you understand why.  We’ll probably not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money.  



  • What exactly is your system and what does it include?

The Becoming the Best You Transformation system is a holistic journey that involves mind, body and soul healing.

We’re going to cover all things food and body using the “6W Questions”:

What, When, How, Where, Why, Who

The “6W Questions” constitute a simple formula for getting the complete story on any subject.

When I’m working with you as my client, we are definitely looking for the COMPLETE story around food and body.


That’s why, in Becoming The Best You, I’ll walk you step-by-step through:

What to eat

When to eat

How to eat

Where to eat

And most importantly…

Why you eat

and Who you are being when you eat


Chances are good that other “diets” haven’t worked in that past because they didn’t have the steps that addressed every part of you - mind, body and soul.

Becoming the best you Transformation solves that problem.

In addition to these steps, you will learn tons of tips, tricks and strategies to manage your health and your life more easily and to make your health and your life work for YOU (instead of the other way around).


  • Does this really work?

Yes! The result of our work is an approach to food and body that has you feeling peaceful, powerful and on purpose, maybe for the first time in your life.


  • What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

Create a vision for what your transformation looks like

Anchor into your Big Why (this is the real reason why making this change matters!)

Clear clutter (emotional and physical) from your life so you can make space for the new you

Get specifics on how to approach food by:

Discovering a template for what to eat at each meal

Upgrading the quality of food you eat

Incorporating hydration (the right way)

Phasing in foods that give you energy

Phasing out foods that take energy away

Learning how often to eat each day

Discovering how and when to use fasting

Uncovering your secret weapon around food, which is HOW you’re eating


Optimize your lifestyle by:

Discovering all the nutrients that don’t go on your plate, but feed your body and your soul, like:

Sleep & Movement

Love & Sex

Fun & Play

Being honest about what’s working and what’s not working in your career, relationships, family life,

spiritual connection and more (where do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”?

Learning how to receive help and support (you’re always giving, but who’s giving back to you?)

Put yourself and your health first (this is YOUR time - no more putting yourself last on the priority list)


  • How quickly can I expect results?

Your transformation begins the second you say “YES” and continues through your 90-day experience and beyond.


  • How can I guarantee myself that I will gain energy and feel healthier?

If you’ve tried things and failed in the past, chances are good that you didn’t have the right support, the right system or the right accountability In Becoming The Best You, you’ll get all of these.

Part of the reason for the significant investment in this experience is to ensure that you show up for yourself like never before.


  • Will I recover the investment I put into this coaching program?

If you add up everything you’ve spent over the years on diets and exercise and all the ways you’ve tried to lose weight, how much would that be?  If things don’t change, how much would you spend in the coming years searching for a solution? 

For most of my clients, the answer to both questions is A LOT.

I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself,

“What is a new relationship to food and my body worth to me?”

The information and skills you learn - and the personal transformation you make - with this transformation       will be with you forever, transforming your health and your life in so many ways.


  • Doug, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. How do I get started?

Congratulations on making a decision for a totally new experience of food and your body! I’m honored and excited to be your guide on this journey!

Here’s how we get started:

  • Go to our website and schedule a discovery call (it will take about 45 minutes, but plan for an hour) it is free and will help us confirm if we should be working together.

  • During that discovery conversation, you can officially enroll in the Becoming The Best You Transformation system, I can take all major credit cards over the phone, Paypal or Venmo and processing will be easy.

  • We’ll choose a recurring day of the week and time for your sessions        

  • These sessions should be considered a sacred time - they are first priority because YOU are first priority

  • Sessions will occur once per week for 90 days

  • I’ll send you a “Welcome Email” that includes a Coaching Program Agreement (you’ll sign this agreement before our first session)

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